ABMA Legislative Priority: CDL Licensing and Supply Chain

ABMA Priority Spotlight: Addressing CDL Licensing and Strengthening America’s Supply Chain


ABMA is actively advocating for a comprehensive supply chain legislation package that includes provisions from its 2023 priorities, such as the LICENSE Act and SHIP IT Act. This legislative initiative, recently approved by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, aims to strengthen the U.S. supply chain by addressing vulnerabilities and enhancing efficiency in critical areas within the trucking industry and the broader supply chain. Central to this package are:

  • H.R. 3013 – The LICENSE Act: This bill seeks to make permanent two COVID-19-related waivers issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). These waivers ease regulatory hurdles by allowing Commercial Driver License (CDL) testing to proceed with reduced restrictions and permitting commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holders to operate trucks with licensed CDL drivers in the cab.
  • H.R. 471 – The SHIP IT Act: This legislation provides for special permits during national emergencies, grants for truck driver training, tax credits for commercial truck drivers, and funding for commercial vehicle parking projects. It also aims to improve safety data collection and offers exemptions for zero-emission vehicles, addressing crucial needs in the trucking industry.

Additional bills included in the package are:

  • H.R. 2367 – Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act: Aims to resolve truck parking issues and improve rest area availability for drivers.
  • H.R. 3372 – Amendment to Title 23, United States Code: Establishes axle weight tolerance for certain commercial vehicles transporting dry bulk goods, providing greater regulatory clarity.
  • H.R. 3408 – The DRIVE Safe Integrity Act: Creates a specialized training program for drivers under 21 to enhance safety and skills.
  • H.R. 3365 – The Supply Chain Improvement Act: Focuses on projects that improve supply chain resilience, infrastructure, and efficiency in goods transportation.
How This Legislation Will Help
  • Addressing Driver Shortages: The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated driver shortages due to layoffs, health concerns, and training disruptions, resulting in a record deficit of 80,000 drivers in 2021. The proposed legislation aims to mitigate this issue by providing support for driver training and incentives, helping to address the anticipated driver shortage projected to escalate to 82,000 by 2024.
  • Enhancing Efficiency and Safety: The LICENSE Act and SHIP IT Act introduce measures that streamline regulatory processes and improve safety data collection. These provisions will enhance operational efficiency within the trucking industry, facilitate better safety practices, and support the adoption of zero-emission vehicles.
  • Improving Infrastructure and Parking: The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act and other related bills focus on resolving critical issues related to truck parking and infrastructure. By improving parking availability and establishing axle weight tolerance, these measures will support drivers and enhance overall supply chain efficiency.
  • Supporting Young Drivers: The DRIVE Safe Integrity Act addresses the challenge of recruiting younger drivers by creating a focused training program. This initiative aims to improve the safety and skills of younger drivers entering the industry.
  • Strengthening Supply Chain Resilience: The Supply Chain Improvement Act focuses on projects that bolster infrastructure and enhance resilience, ensuring a more reliable and efficient transportation system for goods.

ABMA encourages its members to support this vital legislation. For a detailed overview, download our comprehensive CDL and Supply Chain guide and visit our 2024 priority legislation page to learn more about all of ABMA’s goals for 2024.