Legislative Update: House Agriculture Committee Begins Farm Bill Mark Up

The House Agriculture Committee began marking up Farm Bill reauthorization legislation on Thursday. The new version of legislative text released on Tuesday is positive on a number of fronts including the bill’s extension of the Community Wood Grant Program for another five years as well as reauthorization of the Wood Innovation Grant program.

These two initiatives have funneled millions of dollars in grants across the country on construction projects utilizing mass timber, as well as and energy efficiency and equipment upgrades at sawmills. The programs enjoy widespread bipartisan support; however the overall bill has come under withering criticism from Democrats over its treatment of SNAP—the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that provides food benefits to low-income families to supplement their grocery budgets. SNAP was built into the Farm Bill years ago as a way to attract urban lawmaker interest in the legislation that had been all about farms and farming. Democrats on committee are opposed to the bill that was rolled out this week on grounds that it significantly reduces SNAP funding.

The bill is expected to pass committee on a party-line vote—meaning with no Democrat support. We will have a full analysis next week following conclusion of committee action.

Lawmakers are leaving town for the Memorial Day recess and will return to Washington the first week of June.