ABMA Priority: WIOA Reauthorization

Priority Spotlight: Workforce Development & WIOA Reauthorization


ABMA strongly supports the reauthorization of WIOA through H.R. 6655, the Building a Stronger Workforce for America Act. This legislation, which recently passed the House Education and Workforce Committee with bipartisan support, is designed to address the critical gap of nearly 9 million unfilled job openings in the United States. Recognizing the challenges posed by a “college-for-all” mentality and a national shortage of resources for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, ABMA is actively engaged in shaping policies that align the American workforce with LBM industry needs.

H.R. 6655 prioritizes employer-led initiatives and fosters collaboration between educational institutions and industry stakeholders to equip workers with the skills necessary for critical industries. The bill also addresses the shortage of CTE resources, a concern highlighted during a recent hearing by the House Education and Workforce Committee’s Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee. This hearing emphasized the importance of CTE in bridging the skills gap and underscored the national deficit of CTE teachers.

How This Legislation Will Help

  • Upskilling Workers: H.R. 6655 allocates 50% of adult and dislocated worker funding to upskilling initiatives, ensuring that American workers can gain the skills needed to thrive in today’s job market.
  • Employer-Led Programs: The bill emphasizes employer-led initiatives, fostering stronger collaboration between industries and educational institutions. This approach ensures that workers are trained with the specific skill sets required by critical industries like construction and agriculture.
  • Individual Training Accounts: H.R. 6655 guarantees that workers displaced through no fault of their own can access comprehensive skill development services, including the establishment of individual training accounts. These accounts provide essential support for displaced workers, helping them develop new skills and re-enter the workforce.

Legislative Progress

Despite the complexities of legislating during an election year, ABMA remains optimistic about the prospects for the comprehensive WIOA reauthorization bill. The bipartisan support for H.R. 6655 signals positive momentum for workforce development initiatives. The bill’s focus on upskilling, industry-led programs, and individual training accounts aligns with ABMA’s broader agenda of advancing workforce policies that contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the lumber and building materials industry.

ABMA encourages its members to support this vital legislation by advocating for the reauthorization of WIOA. For a detailed overview, download our H.R. 6655 comprehensive guide and visit our 2024 priority legislation page to learn more about all of ABMA’s goals for 2024.

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