Women of Trucking Advisory Board

The Secretary of Transportation chartered the Women of Trucking Advisory Board (WOTAB) of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) on February 11, 2022. WOTAB is charged with reviewing and reporting on policies that provide education, training, mentorship, or outreach to women in the trucking industry and recruit, retain, or advance women in the trucking industry. According to WOTAB, it will be composed of members whose backgrounds, experience, and certifications allow them to contribute balanced points of view and diverse ideas regarding the coordination of functions of trucking companies, nonprofit organizations, and trucking associations. “WOTAB’s work will support women pursuing careers in trucking, expand scholarship opportunities for women in the trucking industry, and enhance trucking training, mentorship, education, and outreach programs for women.” Visit the new website here.